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by mina (Nov 17th 2005, 9:41pm)

16 839

by rekonstrukteurin

(Nov 20th 2005, 4:24pm)

by Lil-Angel (Jun 16th 2004, 9:42pm)

16 616

by Kasmodiah

(Aug 21st 2004, 5:53pm)

by Visce (Mar 29th 2004, 9:46pm)

16 517

by Kasmodiah

(Mar 31st 2004, 10:56pm)

by GeliebtedesTodes (Jun 24th 2005, 9:10pm)

15 875

by Elen

(Nov 21st 2005, 11:58pm)

by Dystopie (Mar 28th 2004, 6:53am)

13 1,868

by JaneDoe

(Dec 5th 2008, 3:37pm)

by faithless (Dec 5th 2006, 7:34pm)

13 1,362

by Eztenxiar

(Nov 30th 2008, 7:45pm)

by Kassandra (Oct 18th 2005, 9:10pm)

13 546

by mina

(Oct 20th 2005, 12:08pm)

by Kao (Nov 1st 2004, 11:18am)

12 634

by MoonCat

(Mar 3rd 2005, 3:01pm)

by Kao (Jan 22nd 2004, 5:19am)

11 2,154

by Kasmodiah

(Apr 15th 2010, 2:18am)

by Kao (Oct 30th 2004, 2:07pm)

11 515

by Riveda

(Oct 31st 2004, 12:51pm)

by Kao (Feb 1st 2004, 3:59am)

10 487

by Debian

(Feb 25th 2004, 7:05pm)

by Eztenxiar (Nov 30th 2008, 7:55pm)

9 2,000

by Calvin

(Dec 6th 2008, 11:51am)

by Kasmodiah (Nov 22nd 2004, 11:04pm)

9 750

by Leronoth

(Nov 23rd 2004, 10:10pm)

by Visce (Sep 18th 2004, 1:16pm)

9 533

by z3ck3

(Sep 22nd 2004, 12:24am)

by Engel (Nov 1st 2005, 8:58pm)

8 2,341

by spanker

(Apr 11th 2006, 4:44pm)

by ich (Jun 4th 2005, 5:23pm)

8 532

by Medivh

(Dec 27th 2005, 10:09pm)

by ich (Oct 25th 2004, 11:43am)

7 608

by lost

(Oct 25th 2004, 7:31pm)

by Kao (Aug 12th 2004, 11:49pm)

7 559

by Kao

(Oct 12th 2004, 9:54pm)

by UltioDeiSum (Jun 15th 2004, 7:10pm)

7 539

by Visce

(Jun 16th 2004, 7:07pm)

by Ta Shunka Win (Sep 27th 2004, 3:34pm)

6 544

by Ta Shunka Win

(Oct 3rd 2004, 4:41pm)





68 Threads - 1,721 Posts (average 0.23 Posts per Day)