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by Nathanael (Apr 7th 2005, 10:55am)

28 1,787

by Asmodeus

(Apr 13th 2005, 6:30pm)

by Samael (Apr 11th 2005, 8:25am)

19 1,360

by *d!fferent*

(Apr 12th 2005, 7:07pm)

by mondsplitter (Apr 9th 2005, 9:27pm)

14 921

by Elen

(Apr 11th 2005, 8:29pm)

by merlins urenkel (Apr 10th 2005, 9:19pm)

27 1,698

by Resurrected

(Apr 11th 2005, 4:17pm)

by soothe (Apr 5th 2005, 12:59am)

17 922

by NelsonMunts

(Apr 6th 2005, 11:52pm)

by Frühlingsgefühl (Apr 5th 2005, 8:53pm)

18 984

by Kassandra

(Apr 6th 2005, 8:27pm)

by Hecki (Apr 1st 2005, 7:49pm)

25 1,538

by Satyr69

(Apr 3rd 2005, 9:12pm)

by tinken (Mar 29th 2005, 9:08pm)

16 997

by Celest

(Mar 30th 2005, 12:14pm)

by Ronja (Mar 4th 2005, 8:01pm)

23 1,332

by *d!fferent*

(Mar 22nd 2005, 1:19pm)

by Mystery Of Blood (Mar 17th 2005, 12:32am)

19 1,053

by Medivh

(Mar 20th 2005, 2:57am)

by cybernetic_corpse (Mar 15th 2005, 9:38pm)

13 903

by diabolos

(Mar 17th 2005, 5:49pm)

by NelsonMunts (Mar 13th 2005, 10:47pm)

25 1,307

by NelsonMunts

(Mar 15th 2005, 11:52am)

by Tilion (Oct 10th 2003, 2:26am)

21 1,322

by Asmodeus

(Mar 14th 2005, 8:10am)

by the last unicorn (Mar 6th 2005, 4:33pm)

17 1,959

by shiva

(Mar 7th 2005, 9:43pm)

by dunkle_seele (Mar 4th 2005, 1:21pm)

17 1,233

by Asmodeus

(Mar 7th 2005, 8:19am)

by Ira (Mar 2nd 2005, 5:50pm)

15 1,266

by Simarilia

(Mar 3rd 2005, 3:56pm)

by Astarte (Dec 5th 2004, 9:02pm)

27 2,900

by Legacy

(Mar 3rd 2005, 2:26pm)

by Simarilia (Feb 15th 2005, 12:26am)

36 1,875

by Simarilia

(Mar 2nd 2005, 9:22am)

by gothic.dream (Feb 12th 2005, 8:47pm)

16 1,160

by rekonstrukteurin

(Mar 2nd 2005, 8:36am)

by Der Schatten (Feb 18th 2005, 6:25pm)

26 1,219

by rekonstrukteurin

(Mar 2nd 2005, 8:33am)



HijaDeLaLuna, Medivh


367 Threads - 7,073 Posts (average 0.91 Posts per Day)